Small Business Organizing

Let Agent Yes Organize Your Small Business 

Companies are collections of people, and the same skills I use for working with individuals apply: identifying priorities and working styles, then coming up with systems people understand and can use for a long time.

When you’re focused on growing your company, sometimes it’s easier to ignore the chaos than to find the time to do something about it.  That’s where Agent Yes can help. For companies with up to 20 employees or contractors, Agent Yes can bring her small business organizing skills to your office, and:

  • help you identify priorities and set realistic deadlines.
  • improve time and task management
  • help reduce paper and physical inventory
  • create effective storage solutions
  • improve efficiency and communication by changing workspace flow

Agent Yes can reduce stress, increase free time for family and friends and help you have a better work/life balance.

A neat office workspace

“Utilizing an organizer on a one-time or per-project basis can delay or even eliminate the added expense of hiring a full time office manager.”

Small Business FAQ

Agent Yes
“Helping You Outsmart Chaos since 2004”

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